To tired to exercise?

“I want to exercise but I don’t have the energy” Have you felt this way too?? I’m here to tell you you are not alone, I hear this exact statement from busy working women over 35 ALL the time. I’m going to tell you a secret about why you feel like you don’t have the… Continue reading To tired to exercise?

Spring Cleaning! ……it’s not just for the house. Cleanse Your Body The Holistic Way

Happy Spring! It is a beautiful time of year. A time for removing clutter and eliminating unnecessary items from our homes, our lives and our bodies. It is a great feeling to refresh our space and have a fresh clean slate…..The same principals apply to our bodies. Occasionally we need to cleanse and detoxify our bodies… Continue reading Spring Cleaning! ……it’s not just for the house. Cleanse Your Body The Holistic Way

Are You Regular? Lets Talk Digestive Health

So here goes, the TMI conversation…..digestion and elimination. Nobody wants to talk about it, but the truth is digestive health is critical for overall health and wellness. Most Americans suffer from some form of digestive health issues and are unaware it is effecting their overall health. Why is digestive health so important? The digestive system… Continue reading Are You Regular? Lets Talk Digestive Health

Carbs……Are Not The Enemy

Carbohydrates, they’ve got  bad rap. But are carbs really the enemy?? Carbohydrates are essential to normal body function. Carbohydrates are the primary source of fuel and provide our bodies with energy. Carbs contain the components necessary for organ function, physical activity and brain function. Without them, our bodies struggle to compensate for the lack of… Continue reading Carbs……Are Not The Enemy

Vitamins and Supplements: What’s all the Buzz about?!

The vitamin and supplement industry is a multi billion dollar industry. Yes, Billion with a B! Why is this such a profitable market? What makes some vitamins and supplements better than others?  Where do you even begin when trying to choose which ones are best for you? These are all good questions and common ones… Continue reading Vitamins and Supplements: What’s all the Buzz about?!