Spring Cleaning! ……it’s not just for the house. Cleanse Your Body The Holistic Way

Happy Spring! It is a beautiful time of year. A time for removing clutter and eliminating unnecessary items from our homes, our lives and our bodies. It is a great feeling to refresh our space and have a fresh clean slate…..The same principals apply to our bodies. Occasionally we need to cleanse and detoxify our bodies just as we do our homes. This removes toxins and impurities from our body systems and prevents illness.

Cleansing the digestive tract is essential to vitality and obtaining optimal health. Think of your digestive tract and circulatory system as your bodies main filters. They are constantly working to remove toxins that enter our bodies through the environment, processed food, refined sugars, caffeine, alcohol, prescription medications, the skin ect.  Imagine if you never cleaned or changed the filters in your car, or the air ventilation filter in your home. After 10, 20 or 30 years, think about the amount of build up that would occur. The same concept applies to our GI tract. As we age, our digestive tract accumulates excess toxins that if not removed lead to inflammation and inevitable illness.

There are many different types of cleansing, it is important to determine the best formula for your body based on your medical history, diet, lifestyle and specific  health needs.  Cleansing and detoxing can be intimidating to some people, especially if you have never done it before, consult with a certified health coach to help determine the best method for you.

A simple 3-5 day food cleanse is a great place to start if you are thinking of trying a cleanse for the first time. Eliminating caffeine, alcohol, processed food, refined sugar and white flour will help to naturally cleanse the system. All of these contribute to inflammation and lead to clogging of the digestive tract. Eating a diet rich in whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, small amounts of protein and large amounts of water is a great way to decrease inflammation and naturally cleanse the digestive tract.

The most comprehensive and effective method of cleansing is to utilize a good quality, all natural cleanse kit that will target not only the bowels, but the liver and circulatory system as well. The NutriClean 7-Day Cleansing System utilizes exceptional herbs and botanicals to detoxify, cleanse, and purify the digestive tract and liver. This 3 step process provides a thorough approach to digestive health that removes accumulated toxins from the body in 7 days.

The NutriClean 7-Day Cleansing System is gentle, yet very effective. The NutriClean system flushes the colon, and supports the body’s natural processes of rejuvenation and cleansing. The 3 step process includes;

  • HepatoCleanse: Natural botanicals to help cleanse and support the blood and  liver function
  • NutriClean Release tablets: Herbs and botanicals that help to maintain bowel regularity, encouraging absorption of vitamins and minerals and remove toxins
  • NurtiClean Advanced Fiber Powder: Promotes elimination of toxins through the bowel, removes constipation, promotes a healthy immune system through probiotics

This NurtiClean cleansing kit provides a comprehensive, gentle and effective method of cleansing that can safely be completed 2-4 times per year depending on specific need, health status and lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy digestive tract is a key component to obtaining and maintaining optimal health.

Cleansing and detoxifying regularly has multiple health benefits including:

  • Helps maintain digestive health
  • Promotes colon health
  • Promotes healthy growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon
  • Helps maintain proper levels of intestinal microflora
  • Manages constipation and maintain balanced bowels
  • Provides fuel for cells lining the small intestine
  • Supports overall health by helping to maintain normal cholesterol levels, helping to maintain normal blood glucose levels and promoting immune health
  • Supports healthy nutrient absorption
  • Promotes blood and liver health
  • Helps to maintain healthy glutathione levels
  • Helps to cleanse and detoxify the liver
  • Provides antioxidants to the body
  • Promotes normal, healthy bowel movements
  • Promotes a healthy digestive tract

To learn more about the Nutriclean 7 Day Cleanse system visit: http://www.shop.com/HNJWELLNESS/NutriClean+reg+7+Day+Cleansing+System+with+Stevia-1034348171-p+.xhtml?credituser=C3914636

USE CODE 20OFFMA TO SAVE 20% on your NurtiClean 7 Day Cleanse System

For more information on Naturopathic Wellness Consultation and Coaching Services contact

Heidi Frost






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